Middle School World Language Program
Students can choose to study French or Spanish beginning in sixth grade. Grade 6 foreign language is a semester class (20 weeks) and 7th and 8th grade students take a full year of foreign language. Eighth grade language is the Level I high school course, and at the end of the year, students take a local proficiency exam that fulfills their high school language requirement. At the end of eighth grade instruction, teachers will recommend students for language I, II, or II H in high school.
High School World Language Program
The aim of instruction in modern languages is to provide increasing competence in listening, speaking, reading, writing and cultural understanding. To attain maximum skill development, students should plan a four-year high school sequence, after having completed Level I by the end of the eighth grade. Concurrent with the development of language skills, instruction will aim to provide cultural insight and understanding of other people, their land and geography, their history, their thought and action. aim of instruction in modern languages is to provide increasing competence in listening, speaking, reading, writing and cultural understanding.
View a list of all high school world language courses and descriptions
Note about graduation requirements
1. To qualify for a New York State Regents Diploma, students must pass the Regents equivalent Checkpoint B exam in a foreign language or complete a five-unit sequence in art, music or technology.
2. New York State regulations require one high school credit in Languages Other Than English (LOTE) in order to graduate from high school. This credit may be earned via the Checkpoint A exam at the conclusion of grade 8, or by the successful completion of a Level I foreign language course at the high school.
High School Sequences of Study in World Language
In middle school, students take Spanish or French. Level I is offered to all students in eighth grade. Instruction in Chinese, Latin and German begins in grade 9.
Placement for Freshmen or Beginning Students
At the end of eighth grade instruction, teachers will recommend students for Language I, II or II H. Students who accept the Honors recommendation or elect to pursue Honors under the Open Enrollment Option should plan, with quality achievement, to remain in the Honors grouping during their high school years.
Moving into grade 9, students will find the following courses available:
- Chinese I
- French I
- German I
- Spanish I
- Latin I
- French IIR
- German II R
- Spanish II R
- Latin Accel. I/II
- French IIH
- German II H
- Spanish II H
- German Accel. I/II
The Language I course provides an entry level language course for students with no previous foreign language instruction and for those who did not successfully complete middle school Language I. It is also intended for students who want to begin an additional language or to change to a different language. Placement in Language II, as an introductory course, requires the approval of the department.
Niskayuna’s International Exchange Programs
Exchange programs with schools in Germany, France, and Spain provide opportunities for students to travel, strengthen language skills, and experience the rich culture and history of other countries. Learn more about the Exchange Programs