Board of Education Policy 3271: Solicitation of Charitable Donations


Direct solicitation of charitable donations from District students on school property during regular school hours is prohibited. It is a violation of District policy to ask District students directly to contribute money or goods for the benefit of a charity during the hours in which they are compelled to be on school grounds.

However, this policy does not prevent the following types of fundraising activities:

a) Fundraising activities which take place off school grounds or outside of regular school hours during before-school or after-school extracurricular periods;

b) Arms-length transactions, where the purchaser receives consideration for his or her donation. For example, the sale of goods or tickets for concerts or social events, where the proceeds go to charity;

c) Indirect forms of charitable solicitation on school grounds that do not involve coercion, such as placing a bin or collection box in a hallway or other common area for the donation of food, clothing, other goods, or money.

The Board will ultimately decide which organizations, groups, etc. can solicit charitable donations and for what purposes, as long as the activities comply with the terms of this policy and the Rules of the Board of Regents.



Soliciting of funds from school personnel by persons or organizations representing public or private organizations is prohibited. The Superintendent has the authority to make exceptions to this policy in cases where solicitation is considered to be in the District’s best interest. The Board will be notified of these instances.

Distribution of information about worthwhile area charities may be made through the Office of the Superintendent as a service to District personnel.


New York State Constitution Article 8, Section 1

Education Law Section 414

8 NYCRR Section 19.6

NOTE:      Refer also to Policy #7450 — Fundraising by Students

Adopted January 23, 2018; Updated April 23, 2024

Board of Education Policy 3271: Solicitation of Charitable Donations