Budget & Finance

Public schools are among the most significant investments that any community makes collectively. District leaders work to make the most effective use of resources to benefit students, to develop and manage the budget in a responsible and transparent manner, and to be accountable to taxpayers.

Approved 2024-25 School Budget

  • Budget Total: $110,770,769
  • Tax levy increase: 2.0%
    • Below tax levy cap of 2.08%
  • Spending increase: $2,965,605

Read the budget newsletter here.

View the 2024-25 Niskayuna Central School District Budget Information Booklet here.

Reserve Funds

Reserve funds, like other savings plans, are mechanisms for accumulating cash for future capital outlays and other allowable purposes. The practice of planning ahead and systematically saving for capital acquisitions and other contingencies is considered prudent management. View an overview of the reserve funds the district has and the balances of each as of the end of the last fiscal year.

Voter Information

The annual school budget vote and Board of Education election takes place on the third Tuesday in May each year. Voting takes place at Niskayuna High School between the hours of 7 a.m. and 9 p.m. To vote, you must be a U.S. citizen, 18 years or older, and a district resident for at least 30 days prior to the vote. Personal identification and proof of residence may be requested. Absentee ballots are also made available prior to each vote. Learn more about voting and requesting an absentee ballot.

Audited Financial Statements & Fiscal Transparency

The district’s audited financial statements are audited independently each year and a state-required fiscal transparency report is filed and posted. Access financial statements and transparency reports.