Board of Education Policy 5322: Use of the District Cell Phone

The Superintendent of Schools shall specify which District employees are required to carry District-owned cellular telephones to effectively meet their job responsibilities. A list of job titles requiring District-owned cellular phones shall be maintained in the Business Office.

The District shall establish the level of service contract for each such employee and make available cellular telephone equipment. Employees are authorized to use District-owned cellular phones for business purposes. If an employee uses a District-owned cellular phone for other than business purposes, the employee shall reimburse the District for any costs incurred by the District for such non-business calls. Individuals shall accept financial responsibility for any inappropriate usage of or damage to such phones and shall immediately report any damage, loss, or theft to the Business Office.

The Business Office shall periodically (at least annually) review cellular telephone usage. Such review shall include an assessment of the cost and necessity of cellular telephone usage, the cost effectiveness of each cellular telephone service plan, and the effectiveness of the cellular telephone policies and procedures.

Adopted February 11, 2019