Board of Education Policy 7521: Students with Life-Threatening Health Conditions

Students come to school with diverse health conditions which may impact their learning and their health. Some of these health conditions are serious and may be life-threatening. As a result, students, parents, school staff, and health care providers must all work together to provide the necessary information and training to allow students with chronic health conditions to participate as fully and safely as possible in the school experience. This policy encompasses an array of serious or life-threatening health conditions such as allergies, anaphylaxis, diabetes, seizure disorders, or severe asthma and acute health conditions such as substance overdose. All students within the District with known life-threatening conditions will have a comprehensive plan of care in place: an Emergency Care Plan (ECP) or Individualized Healthcare Plan (IHP) and, if appropriate, an Individualized Education Plan (IEP) or Section 504 Plan.

Life-Threatening Conditions

For those students with life-threatening health conditions, the District must work cooperatively with the parent(s) or person(s) in parental relation and the health care provider(s) to:

a) Immediately develop an ECP for each at risk student to ensure that all appropriate staff are aware of the student’s potential for a life-threatening reaction;

b) If appropriate, develop an IHP that includes all necessary treatments, medications, training, and educational requirements for the student. If the student is eligible for accommodations based upon the Individuals with Disabilities Act (IDEA), Section 504 of the Rehabilitation Act of 1973, or the Americans with Disabilities Act, the appropriate procedures will be followed regarding evaluation and identification;

c) Provide training by licensed medical staff (e.g., registered professional nurse) for all adults in a supervisory role in the recognition and emergency management of a specific health condition for specific students;

d) Obtain specific medical-legal documents duly executed in accordance with New York State law; appropriate health care provider authorization in writing for specific students that includes the frequency and conditions for any testing and/or treatment, symptoms, and treatment of any conditions associated with the health issue; and directions for emergencies;

e) Secure written parent permission and discuss parental responsibility that includes providing the health care provider’s orders, providing any necessary equipment, and participation in the education and co-management of the student as they work toward self-management;

f) Allow supervised students to carry life-saving medication in accordance with applicable laws, regulations, and procedures. The District will also encourage parents and students to provide duplicate life-saving medication to be maintained in the health office in the event the independent student misplaces, loses, or forgets their medication;

g) Assure appropriate and reasonable building accommodations are in place within a reasonable degree of medical certainty.

In addition, the District will:

a) Provide training for transportation, instructional, food service, or physical education staff, as appropriate, in the recognition of an anaphylactic reaction;

b) Have standing emergency medical protocols for nursing or other staff;

c) Request the school medical director to write a non-patient specific order for anaphylaxis treatment agents for the school’s registered professional nurse or other staff, as designated by the administration and allowed under federal and New York State laws and regulations, to administer in the event of an unanticipated anaphylactic episode;

d) Maintain or ensure the maintenance of a copy of the standing order(s) and protocol(s) that authorizes appropriate District staff to administer emergency medications such as anaphylactic treatment agents;

e) As permitted by New York State law, the District will maintain non-patient specific opioid antagonists (naloxone) on-site in each instructional school facility to ensure ready and appropriate access during emergencies for students or staff. To obtain, store, and use naloxone, the District’s medical director has issued a non-patient specific order to the school nurse to administer naloxone on-site; or

f) Allow the school registered nurse, nurse practitioner, physician assistant, or physician to train unlicensed school staff to administer prescribed glucagon or epinephrine auto-injectors in emergency situations, where an appropriately licensed health professional is not available, to students with both a written provider order and parent or person in parental relation consent during the school day, on school property, and at any school function. Training will be provided in accordance with specifications outlined in law and regulation;

g) Ensure that the District-wide school safety plan and building-level emergency response plans include appropriate accommodations for students with life-threatening health conditions;

h) Encourage families to obtain medic-alert bracelets for students with life-threatening health conditions;

i) Educate students regarding the importance of immediately reporting symptoms of an allergic reaction.

Creating an Allergen-Safe School Environment

The risk of accidental exposure or cross-contamination is always present in school, particularly for students with food allergies. The school setting is a high-risk environment for accidental ingestion of a food allergen due to the presence of a large number of students, increased exposure to food allergens, and cross-contamination of tables, desks, and other surfaces.

In an effort to prevent accidental exposure to allergens, the District will monitor and follow the established allergy aware and allergy prepared protocols for the following high-risk areas and activities:

a) Cafeteria;

b) Food sharing;

c) Hidden ingredients in art, science, and other projects;

d) Transportation;

e) Fundraisers and bake sales;

f) Parties and holiday celebrations;

g) Field trips; and

h) Before and after school-administered programs

All staff, including substitute staff, should be made aware of student allergies on a need-to-know basis.

Empowering Students Toward Medical Self-Management

The District will work toward assisting students in the self-management of their health condition(s) based upon the student’s knowledge level and skill by:

a) Adequately training all staff involved in the care of the student, as appropriate;

b) Assuring the availability of the necessary equipment or medications;

c) Providing appropriately trained licensed persons as required by law;

d) Developing an emergency plan for the student;

e) Providing ongoing staff and student education;

f) Teaching students to read food labels and to sharpen refusal skills for foods with unknown ingredients, as appropriate; and

g) Teaching students to avoid the allergen, including latex, insect, or whatever allergen exists for the student, as appropriate.

Americans with Disabilities Act, 42 USC Section 12101 et seq.
Individuals with Disabilities Education Act (IDEA), 20 USC Sections 1400-1485
Section 504 of the Rehabilitation Act of 1973, 29 USC Section 794 et seq.
34 CFR Part 300
Education Law Sections 6527 and 6908
8 NYCRR Section 136.7
Public Health Law Sections 2500-h (Anaphylactic policy for school districts) and 3000-a

NOTE: Refer also to Policy #7513 — Administration of Medication

Adopted December 12, 2017

Revised January 7, 2025