Charge: The district’s Finance Committee is charged with overseeing the district’s financial planning processes, including budget development, implementation, and evaluation; maintenance of dedicated reserves; monitoring of unreserved fund balance; and fiscal reporting and transparency.
Leadership: The chair of the committee shall be a standing Board member, nominated by the committee and approved by the board of education.
Membership: Each year the board of education shall appoint three members to serve on the Finance Committee. The term of appointment shall be one academic year (July 1 – June 30).
In addition to the three appointed board members, the committee’s membership shall include:
- Superintendent of Schools (or designee)
- Assistant Superintendent for Business and Operations (or designee)
At the board’s discretion, the committee’s membership may include up to two
representatives from the Niskayuna community with experience or expertise in public finance or accounting.
Meeting Schedule: The Finance Committee shall meet a minimum of five times each year: once each in July, September, November, January, March, and May.
Additional meetings may be convened on an as-needed basis by the committee chair. Meetings shall generally be held from 3:30-4:30 p.m.
Reporting Requirements: A meeting agenda shall be created at least three days in advance of a scheduled meeting. The agendas and any meeting notes/approved minutes of each meeting shall be posted in the same manner as other board documents to the district’s website.