COVID-19 Guidance

Niskayuna Central School District is following the latest guidance from the New York State Department of Health and the Centers for Disease Control regarding COVID-19. 

Illness/positive COVID test

As with any infectious illness, students and staff who test positive for COVID-19, or who show symptoms, are asked to stay home from school.  

  • Someone who is sick (has symptoms) may return to school if they have been fever-free for 24 hours (without the use of fever-reducing medication) and symptoms are improving.

People who have been sick, or tested positive, are encouraged to take added precautions over the next 5 days to include additional steps for fresh air, increased hygiene practices, mask wearing, physical distancing and testing. 


Testing is recommended for people with symptoms of COVID-19 as soon as possible after symptoms begin. 

At-home test kits 

The Niskayuna Central School District can provide at-home COVID-19 test kits for students while supplies continue to be available. If you need a home COVID test, please contact your school building principal or the district office. 

Continuation of Instruction, Tutoring and Virtual Learning

The district provides virtual learning for students who cannot attend school due to long-term illness or injury, other risk factors, or upon the recommendation of the building principal. Instruction is provided via the BOCES CVLA program. This program operates on a full-year commitment from participating students. Requests for information can be submitted to Jessica Moore, Assistant Superintendent of Instruction,

Students who are home sick with any illness should rest and take time to feel better. Students who have long-term absences of 10 or more days with documentation from a medical provider will receive tutoring. Virtual learning will not be available for students isolating due to COVID-19.

Access to instruction when a child is home sick is typically as follows:

  • For short illnesses of 1-3 days, parents/guardians contact teachers or their child’s school to notify them about the absence. For absences of 1-3 days, children usually make up work upon returning to school once they feel better.
  • For absences of 4-9 days, parents/guardians contact teachers or their child’s school to notify them about the absence, teachers send work home as appropriate, either via paper or Google Classroom. 
  • For absences of 10 days or more, parents/guardians contact teachers or their child’s school to notify them about the absence, send in a note from a doctor and tutoring will be provided by the district.

COVID-19 vaccination

COVID-19 vaccinations are not required to attend school. Children ages 6 months and older are all eligible to receive the COVID-19 vaccine. Children older than 5 are eligible for a booster. For more information, visit


Any student or staff member may wear a mask while at school to prevent the spread of illness. Anyone can wear a mask at any time. We will respect each person’s choice as to whether to wear a mask to protect their health or that of their family. Mask-wearing is recommended for at least 10 days following a positive COVID test, or COVID illness.

Health and safety protocols 

Routine cleaning in our school buildings continues to be an important strategy for reducing the spread of illness. High-risk areas such as health offices, classrooms, lunchrooms, athletic rooms, bathrooms, and high-traffic areas are cleaned daily. Surfaces such as light switches, handrails, desks and chairs are cleaned routinely.