The information below is intended to help guide elementary parents about general school procedures. Please select a link for more information about a particular area. For more specific information, please contact the main office of your child’s school.
- Parents/Visitors
- Attendance
- Leaving School Ground
- Medications
- Personal Items
- Outdoor Recess
- Buses & Bus Passes
- Parking
- Afterschool Care
Parents and other district residents are encouraged to visit the schools under the following conditions:
All visitors must report to the school’s Main Office upon arrival, sign the visitor’s registration and obtain a visitor’s badge that must be worn throughout the visit and returned upon departure.
Visitors attending school functions that are open to the public, such as PTO meetings, concerts, or public gatherings, are not required to register.
Parents or residents who wish to observe a classroom while school is in session are required to arrange such visits in advance with the principal and classroom teacher(s) so that class disruption is kept to a minimum.
Teachers are expected to not take class time to discuss individual matters with visitors.
Any unauthorized person on school property will be reported to the principal or designee. Unauthorized persons will be asked to leave. The police may be called if the situation warrants.
All visitors are expected to abide by the rules for Public Conduct on School Property.
Students are expected to attend class daily as required by state law. Such attendance creates an environment that fosters subject competency, continuity of learning, and responsibility, which are all integral to the educational process. Active student participation is an integral part of the elementary curriculum. Students are required to attend classes every school day unless excused for a valid reason. Acceptable reasons are (As per district attendance policy):
- Personal illness or injury
- Death or emergency illness in the immediate family
- Obligatory religious observance
- Required court appearance
- Medical and dental appointments
- School sponsored events
- College visits and interviews
- Career development or explorations programs approved by the principal
- Driver’s road test (not permit tests)
- Late arriving bus
- Impassable roads or weather making travel unsafe
- Music lessons
- Others as authorized by the principal
Although days missed for the above reasons are considered excused absences, students must realize that their schoolwork can suffer if they are out of class too often. Students are responsible for keeping informed of makeup work for class, whether the absence is excused or unexcused.
Parents are asked to telephone the office of the school nurse prior to 8 a.m. to report an absence or late arrival. If a student is not in school, the parents will be notified. In the event that further action is warranted, the principal will speak to the parent directly. Please be prepared to identify yourself by name and your relationship to the child, and provide the child’s name, grade and teacher’s name. State whether the child will be absent and why, or whether the child will be late to school and the expected time of his/her arrival.
Leaving School Grounds
During school hours, NO student is permitted to leave the school grounds unless checked out through the main office. If your child has to leave school during the regular school day, the following procedure MUST be followed:
- The parent / guardian must report to the main office and sign the child out of school.
- If the person picking up the child is a parent designee, they MUST have a note from the parent stating that the parent has given the authority to pick up the child.
- If the child is returning to school before the end of the day, the parent or designee MUST sign the student in at the main office. The student will then be given a pass to return to class.
In order for a school nurse to administer medication during school hours, either prescription or over the counter, the following are required by the State of New York:
1. An order from a licensed prescriber including name of medication, dosage and time to be administered;
2. Parent/Guardian permission to administer the medication;
3. The parent/guardian must assume the responsibility to have the medication delivered directly to the school nurse in a properly labeled original container.
Personal Items
Students should NOT bring toys, games, radios, skates, etc. to school. Schools assume no responsibility for lost or stolen personal property. Please label all clothing with your child’s name, as well as lunch boxes, purses, etc. Articles found in and around school grounds will be placed in each school’s lost and found. Please check this area on a regular basis for missing clothing items. Articles left on buses can be retrieved from the driver or at the Bus Garage at 1301 Hillside Avenue.
Outdoor Recess
The recess program is a vital part of the school day. Children need a daily activity program to help them develop physically and socially while affording them a important energy release. Whenever possible, recess is held outside. There will be many days during the winter months that are cold, but not unbearable if children are dressed appropriately (i.e. boots, mittens, hats, etc.) Parents’ cooperation is requested to facilitate the outdoor recess program.
Buses & Bus Passes
Parents are encouraged to read the rules for riding the bus, and discuss it with their children. It should be emphasized that riding the bus is a privilege, and that the privilege can be revoked if students do not follow the rules. If all the rules are followed, the school bus is one of the safest vehicles on the road. A bus pass must be used if a child is not going home on his/her regular bus or if he/she will not be getting off at their regular stop. Bus passes can be obtained from the main office of your child’s school.
For those parents wishing to bring and pick up their child by car we ask assistance in maintaining a safe parking lot. There is NO PARKING in front of the school as this is for the use of buses and emergency vehicles only. If you are dropping off a student, please use the parking lot next to the school and the leave the area immediately so that another car may drop off. At dismissal, please find a parking place and then walk to the main hallway in the school so you may meet you child.
Afterschool Care
Kid’s Time is an after-school child care program available at all Niskayuna elementary schools, which is managed by the Schenectady Jewish Community Center (JCC). For more information, please contact the JCC at (518) 377-8803.
Additionally, student transportation is provided to childcare locations within school district boundaries that are recognized as licensed daycare centers. If you have a question, please contact the Transportation Department at (518) 370-0160.