May 26 Budget Hearing Livestream Information

The May 26 Board of Education Budget Hearing livestream will take place via videonference only with a public livestream. The livestream requires a username and password, as outlined below:

We will open up the livestream five minutes prior to the meeting.

More specific directions, including screenshots, are available below. Please note that if you are logged in to another Google account (other than a account) you will need to “switch” to the account. For instructions on how to do this, please see below or check here.

Meeting agendas are available on Niskayuna BoardDocs. A recording and transcript of the meeting will be made available on BoardDocs.

There will be no public comment portion of meetings at this time. Those who would like to share comments for the record can e-mail

Directions to Access the Board of Education Livestream

(1) Go to the web address for the meeting livestream, to be announced prior to eachh meeting.

Important note: If you are already logged-in to another Google account, follow these steps. If you are not logged into another Google account, go directly to step 5 below.

(2) If you are already logged into a Google account, select your profile image or initial in the top right.

(3) On the menu, choose Add Account

(4) On the next page, you will need to select “Use Another Account”

(5) You will see a screen like this. Enter the username “”

This is a screen capture of a Google log-in page

(6) Next, you will see a screen like this. After making sure is in the username area, click “Next”

screen capture of a Google log-in page

(7) Next, you will be asked for a password at a screen that looks like the one below. Please enter “Nisky123” where prompted and click “Sign in.” This will give you access to the meeting livestream.

screen capture of a Google log-in page