March 2025
- 20: Exciting middle level improvements continue as Capital Project work gains momentum
- 17: BOE Special Meeting: Tuesday, March 18, 2025
- 17: Christina Coons named two-time NYVCA Coach of the Year
- 17: Board approves 2025-26 school calendar
- 14: Niskayuna High School artists recognized on national and local level
- 12: Schenectady Business and Professional Women’s Club Scholarship
- 7: Numerous Pep Club Scholarships are available
- 7: Expanding global understanding: NHS students take part in international conference
- 4: Capital District SUSU Women’s Club High School Senior Scholarship
- 4: Adirondack Mountain Club Schenectady Chapter Scholarship
- 4: Bella Johns’ Memorial Scholarship honors 2023 graduate
- 3: 2025 Niskayuna Friends of Music Senior Scholarship application available
- 3: Niskayuna Athletic Booster Club details scholarship opportunities
- 20: After listening, district and board of education set priorities for the 2025-26 school year budget
- 20: Summer 2025 Engineering Institutes registration open
- 20: Saratoga Voices to host annual vocal scholarship competition
- 19: Niskayuna Police Benevolent Association scholarship
- 19: Niskayuna Fire District #2 offers scholarship
- 10: Scholarship opportunity for students who intend to study engineering
- 5: Scholarship opportunity for students living in Fire District 2
- 5: Niskayuna Chapter of the National Honor Society shares scholarship details
- 4: Niskayuna graduate offers scholarship opportunity
- 4: Scholarship opportunity honors the memory of Kitty Kelly
- 4: Summit STEM Fellowship offers virtual summer program
- 4: The Community Foundation outlines scholarships for local students
- 3: Niskayuna CSD to host job fair on Feb. 10
- 28: NYS Order of Sons & Daughters of Italy in America Foundation offers 125 scholarships and 6 grants
- 28: Two Grand Blvd. Fire Company Frank Price Memorial Scholarships available
- 28: Schenectady Foundation details scholarship opportunity
- 28: Niskayuna Teachers’ Association Scholarships
- 28: Niskayuna Educational Support Personnel Association offers two scholarships
- 28: NHS English teacher Tom Lester earns National Board Certification
- 23: The Junior League of Albany offers The Rockwell Scholarship
- 23: Niskayuna Community Action Program has two 2025 scholarship opportunities
- 15: NHS Music Department presents “Sunset Blvd.” in Feb. and March
- 3: Scholarship opportunity available for NHS juniors
- 16: Building connections through loss and culture: Iroquois hosts meaningful Dias de Los Muertos celebration
- 10: Kindergarten registration period will be Jan. 27 through Feb. 14, 2025
- 5: Scotia-Glenville Senior Citizens’ Center has three scholarships available
- 5: 2025-26 Budget Priorities ThoughtExchange now live
- 5: GE-Reagan Foundation Scholarships are available
- 2: Tree of Life memorial unveiled at NHS
- 26: Niskayuna CSD Administrative Offices now located at Balltown Road
- 26: Reimagining middle level education in Niskayuna
- 25: NHS swimmer Fayth Goodspeed wins state title
- 22: Niskayuna High School seeks Hall of Fame nominations
- 20: Eighth Grade Parent Information Night
- 20: MMB Accounting Diversity Scholarship available
- 19: Zonta International Club of Schenectady offers scholarship opportunities
- 13: Ten NHS students sign NCAA Letters of Intent
- 13: BOE Policy Committee meets Nov. 19
- 12: First New York Federal Credit Union scholarships available
- 4: The Elks National Foundation offers Legacy Awards
- 4: The Elks National Foundation offers Most Valuable Student Scholarships
- 16: NYS 2025 Merit Scholarship for Excellence
- 11: BOE meets Oct. 15
- 9: Niskayuna Board of Education adopts safety initiatives
- 8: NCSD Safety Survey
- 7: Hugh O’Brian Youth Leadership Conference
- 7: Hispanic Heritage Youth Awards
- 3: Coach Colby earns 400th career win
- 30: U.S. Navy Band Commodores concert at NHS
- 23: BOE appoints Rakoczy, Moskov to new leadership positions
- 26: NHS Tennis Court Repair/Refresh Project
- 12: Grade 5 students create collaborative mural
- 11: Districtwide 2024-25 School Safety Plan
- 11: BOE elects new leadership, welcomes new members
- 27: Class of 2024 Celebrates Commencement
- 7: Dan Mattoon and Michael Peters receive 2024 Murray Award for Excellence in Education
- 3: Athena STEM Fellowship
- 24: NHS Hosts 31st Memorial Day Service
- 23: NHS seniors earn top language awards
- 23: Nisky Friends of Music to host first ever “Studentiade”
- 21: NCSD Voters approve 2024-25 budget
- 15: Nisky students take on Olympics of the Visual Arts
- 10: WWII Vet Visits Iroquois
- 9: Senior Student-Athlete Spring Signing Day
- 8: Senior Gala Parent Safety Contract
- 4: Summer Enrichment Program Registration and 2024-25 School Calendar
- 3: Board of Education Student Representative Application
- 2: NHS junior shares experience with Elevating Student Voices Program
- 26: NHS, VAMS Science Bowl Teams Compete at Nationals
- 24: NHS senior receives Peter R. Marsh Foundation Silent Servant Award
- 22: NHS junior earns accolades in writing, history
- 17: BOE Audit Committee Meets Apr. 19
- 16: Niskayuna students honored for independent research
- 16: National Association of Women in Construction Capital District Scholarship
- 16: Book donation helping students build social-emotional skills
- 15: Introducing the Elementary Summer Academy
- 5: Absentee Ballot Information for the May 2024 Budget and Board Member Vote
- 26: German Consul General David Gill visits NHS
- 19: No Classes Apr. 8 Due to Eclipse
- 15: District Choral Festival serves as inspiration to all involved
- 15: YMCA Black and Latino Achievers Program
- 13: NHS Multicultural Fair helps create memories, share culture
- 12: Request for Proposals: Charter Bus Services
- 12: BOE Audit Committee rescheduled to Apr. 19
- 4: Nisky wins 1st place at US Dept. of Energy Science Bowl
- 26: Niskayuna rolls out AI-powered stop arm cameras on buses
- 22: Cast of “Oklahoma!” learning more than lines and choreography
- 14: The Niskayuna Police Benevolent Association Scholarship
- 13: Voters approve 2024 Capital Project
- 9: Tea Time teaches engineering students about business relationships
- 8: Celebrating the Lunar New Year
- 6: Modernizing Spaces to Enhance Student Experience
- 29: NHS French students read fairy tales to elementary students
- 18: District Rolls Out New Facilities Use System and Processes
- 17: Troy Industrial Solutions Manufacturing Scholarship
- 11: Feb. 13 Capital Project Q&A
- 21: Board of Education Policy 7510: School Health Services
- 20: BOE approves Feb. 13 referendum vote
- 20: Artist(s) of the Month: December 2023
- 18: NHS school store now open for business
- 12: NCSD is #SalinettiStrong
- 7: Sophie Spindler named WMHT’s Classical Student Musician of the Month
- 4: Ms. Denise “Squid” Squadere named NYS Coach of the Year
- 27: Zonta International Club of Schenectady Young Women in Public Affairs Award
- 27: Zonta International Club of Schenectady Jean M. Coon Humanitarian Award
- 15: Class of 2024 student-athlete signing day
- 15: An update on campus renovations, improvements and modernization
- 14: NHS Seniors deliver Socktober donation to City Mission
- 8: Unified Sports changing culture at NHS
- 6: NHS tutors win “Champions of Change Award”
- 1: Recent Leadership Appointments
- 30: NCSD Communications wins Excellence Award
- 20: NHS Unified Sports makes ESPN’s Northeast Honor Roll
- 19: Co-op photo-op
- 19: Home-field advantage is back
- 16: Nisk-Art Friends Meeting Nov.6
- 6: National School Lunch Week Begins Oct. 9
- 5: Order your graduation cap and gown
- 29: Livestream games on Hudl
- 29: Nisky NOW Food Drive Begins Oct. 16
- 27: How to Apply for NYS 2024 Merit Scholarships
- 20: Coca-Cola Scholars Foundation Program
- 8: Translating ParentSquare information
- 7: Allergy Aware, Allergy Prepared
- 7: Affordable Connectivity Program Information
- 7: P-EBT Benefit Information for Families
- 1: The Elks National Foundation – Legacy Awards
- 1: Niskayuna HS Named Among Top 3 in Capital Region
- 1: Van Antwerp Middle School Bell Schedule
- 18: Student schedules now available
- 17: BOE appoints new leadership
- 9: Sign-up for fall sports underway
- 21: Annual Returning Student Enrollment Process
- 28: Jessica Moore appointed Interim Assistant Superintendent for Instruction as district conducts search
- 26: Host families needed for International Scholars Program
- 23: Elementary report cards available
- 22: Class of 2023 celebrates commencement
- 21: District retirees honored for their many years of service
- 21: Capital Project Community Advisory Team: Call for interest and nominations
- 14: High school Music Department unveils student-designed mural
- 12: Senior R&D projects to be showcased on June 16
- 9: Niskayuna CSD to offer Universal Pre-K in partnership with Schenectady JCC
- 7: Twenty NHS student-athletes sign NCAA letters of intent
- 7: Students win Americanism Essay Contest
- 7: Guest speaker Stephen Hill addresses mental health and substance use
- 2: Update on Niskayuna team name and new state regulations
- 1: Congratulations to the Top Language and Polyglot Award winners
- 31: Senior Awards Ceremony scheduled June 1
- 31: Christina Pizzino-Catalano and Michael Sogoian receive 2023 Murray Award for Excellence in Education
- 25: Niskayuna High School hosts 30th Annual Memorial Day Ceremony
- 22: Author H.D. Hunter inspires creativity: Book cover contest and workshops empower students
- 19: Fed Challenge Team earns accolades for original research
- 17: Social Studies Department recognizes 24 outstanding students
- 16: Niskayuna voters approve 2023-24 school budget
- 16: Niskayuna High School wins Best Student Orchestra for “A Chorus Line: Teen Edition”
- 12: Niskayuna High School receives national recognition for STEM curriculum
- 10: Musical chair-ity fundraiser supports earthquake relief
- 10: Safety efforts earn Niskayuna CSD the School Safety Excellence Award
- 10: Smart Schools investment plan
- 8: Niskayuna alumni among 2023 Tony Award nominations for hit Broadway musicals
- 5: Niskayuna High School inducts three new members to alumni Hall of Fame
- 1: School community leaves its mark on future Iroquois Middle School
- 20: Voters go to polls May 16 to decide on 2023-24 school budget
- 20: 2024-25 Proposed Budget Estimated Tax Bill Impact
- 6: Iroquois welcomes World War II veterans to share their stories
- 6: Our focus on school safety
- 6: Fifth grader leads cereal box domino fundraiser
- 3: Students recognized at SeaPerch underwater robotics competition
- 30: Iroquois Middle School Drama Club Presents Willy Wonka Jr.
- 30: Participate on the Local Early Intervention Coordinating Council
- 27: Nine students recognized at Regeneron Science & Engineering Fair; Tarun Jacob wins first place
- 22: Nisky Voices: Q&A with social-emotional learning coach Amy Isenhart
- 20: Superintendent’s Update
- 20: Perform at Java Jive 2023
- 15: Students build bonds in the chemistry lab
- 14: Elementary report cards available on PowerSchool
- 13: Information about Graduation Rehearsal Day
- 13: Class of 2024 Junior Prom and After Prom information
- 10: Niskayuna Junior Eujeong Choi performs with Schenectady Symphony
- 10: Universal Prekindergarten program at Niskayuna
- 28: NHS Music Department presents “A Chorus Line” March 3 and 4
- 27: Nominating petitions available for May 2023 Board of Education election
- 27: New District Treasurer appointed
- 23: NHS artwork selected for Regional Juried 3-D Art Exhibition
- 17: Registration now open: Summer Engineering Institute
- 10: Niskayuna Science Olympiad, Robotics and MathCounts teams place first at regional competitions
- 8: A look into middle school redesign
- 4: Video game artist brings animation to life for fifth graders
- 1: Music teacher Susan Kokernak earns National Board Certification
- 31: Science Olympiad team ranks first in Capital Region at competition
- 30: Upcoming workshop: CPSE to CSE Transition for Families
- 30: Capital project information session on Feb. 6
- 26: Iroquois Community Cookbook recipes make a Lunar New Year celebration extra special
- 25: Digging into our future: Construction of Iroquois Middle School addition kicks off
- 11: Model UN team recognized for Outstanding Diplomacy at statewide competition
- 7: Kindergarten registration is Feb. 6 through Feb. 24
- 6: Matthew Leon appointed Assistant Superintendent for Business and Operations
- 4: French student explores teaching through Career Exploration Internship Program
- 15: An important reminder from the Niskayuna school nurse team
- 15: Board of Education recognizes National Merit Semifinalists
- 8: Glencliff students give gift of friendship
- 2: Student art celebrates National Special Education Day
- 1: Program of Studies is now available
- 18: Nineteen Niskayuna High School student-athletes sign Letters of Intent for intercollegiate athletics
- 16: Niskayuna High School seeks Hall of Fame nominations
- 15: Reminder about weather-related closings and delays
- 10: District-wide art project to celebrate National Special Education Day
- 4: Construction set to begin at Iroquois Middle School
- 4: Two Niskayuna faculty members receive New York State English Council awards
- 2: Join us for the winter concert series
- 27: Thomas Fyvie appointed to be Iroquois Middle School principal
- 24: Sparking community at VA: Community Day event engages students in service learning
- 22: School Climate Survey being conducted Oct. 11 to 29
- 17: Restaurateur Aneesa Waheed cooks up life lessons and Moroccan food for Culinary Arts students
- 14: District-wide food drive Oct. 17 to Nov. 4
- 12: Student representatives on Board of Education featured on local news
- 7: Middle School students earn recognition in national science competition
- 30: New Director of Secondary Special Education
- 28: Learn more about the new K-5 Standards Based Report Card
- 23: “Start With Hello” encourages kindness and inclusion at Birchwood
- 15: Coach Bryce Colby inducted into the NYS High School Girls Soccer Hall of Fame
- 8: New high school parking lot now open
- 2: Nisky NOW free food program will offer meat and cheese
- 25: Niskayuna partners with GE Research for 11th annual Engineering Institute
- 25: Important bus transportation updates
- 4: Supply lists for 2022-23 school year available
- 2: Update regarding Universal Prekindergarten
- 15: Heather Schmidt named to Capital District Sports Women of the Year Class of 2022
- 1: Video: Hello from Superintendent Mummenthey
- 28: Capital project improvements underway at high school; Reminder to follow all posted signs in construction zone
- 27: Important changes to school meals program
- 20: Watch the NHS Graduation 2022 Livestream
- 17: Students build community through books
- 10: Turning an idea into reality: Class project helps reshape high school engineering wing
- 7: High School MasterMinds team wins State Championship
- 3: Top seniors receive Medal of Academic Excellence
- 27: Niskayuna Community Foundation Surprises NHS Teachers Kelly Millett and Robyn Salvin with Excellence in Education Award
- 25: Message from the Superintendent
- 20: School Board Meets Tuesday, May 24
- 17: Voters approve school budget, elect three board members
- 6: 2022-23 Proposed Staffing Additions
- 4: 2022-23 Proposed Budget Estimated Tax Bill Impact
- 29: Request for Proposals for Pre-Kindergarten Program
- 27: Updated COVID-19 Protocols
- 25: Voters Go to Polls May 17 to Decide on 2022-23 School Year Budget
- 21: Registration Open for Summer Enrichment Program 2022
- 21: School Calendar for 2022-23 Adopted
- 19: Student Awarded Summer Study Trip to Germany
- 4: Niskayuna continues strong showing at the Science Bowl, with Van Antwerp headed to nationals
- 16: Proposed 2022-23 Budget: Sustainable investments to meet students’ needs
- 16: Niskayuna Artwork Selected for High School Regional Juried Exhibition
- 4: Registration now open for the Summer 2022 Engineering Institute for Young Men
- 4: **Update: Limited Availability** Mamma Mia! Musical Tickets Are on Sale!
- 2: Health & Safety Protocols Remain as Masks Become Optional
- 1: Administrative Staffing Update: Welcoming Michael Elliott and Robert McCloskey
- 27: Update Regarding School Mask Requirement
- 18: School Board Nominating Petitions Available for May 2022 Vote
- 31: School Board Appoints Carl Mummenthey as Superintendent of Schools
- 28: NHS Remembers Teaching Assistant Leah White
- 27: Birchwood Early Dismissal (12:30 p.m.) – Thursday, Jan. 27
- 21: Administrative Staffing Updates – January 2022
- 9: Capital Project Work Moving Forward, Construction to be Underway This Summer
- 3: Pool Passes for Sale; Opening for Community Use on Weekends Beginning December
- 3: Information About Ordering Tickets for Home Athletic Contests
- 1: NHS 2022-23 Program of Studies Guide Available for Students in Grades 8-11
- 18: Monitor Sought to Help Open NHS Pool for Morning Community Use – Possibly on a Volunteer Basis
- 4: Community Members Encouraged to Register for ParentSquare to Receive School District Messages
- 28: Administrative Staffing Updates: Kristen Weber to be VA Assistant Principal; Welcome to Laurel Jones and Joe Natale
- 25: Live, In-Person Music Concerts – With Safety Precautions – Return in 2021-22!
- 22: District Increases Pay for Critical Frontline Workers – Bus Drivers, Food Service Staff, School Nurses
- 19: Board of Education Votes to Release Special Procedures Audit
- 4: Superintendent Search Update | Oct. 4, 2021
- 23: Schedule of K-8 Conference Days and Dismissal Times for 2021-22
- 22: Laurel Jones, Experienced Elementary Educator and Niskayuna Graduate, to Lead Rosendale
- 10: Board Meetings to Continue In-Person with Public Livestream
- 9: October 16 PSAT Information
- 26: Board of Education Decides on Approach to Superintendent Search Process
- 26: Activate ParentSquare Today! More Information Here!
- 20: Clarification and Additional Information about Interscholastic Athletics
- 13: School Board Meets Aug. 17; A Special Note from the Superintendent and Public Comment Information
- 16: Family Interest Form: Potential K-6 Regional Virtual Elementary School
- 27: Draft Plan for Federal Funds Focuses on Academic Needs, Social and Emotional Support, Growth and Enrichment
- 27: Strategic Plan for Equity Outlined by Team of Stakeholders
- 18: Voters Approve School Budget; Schlossberg and Saeed Elected to the School Board
- 12: District Exploring Best Use of Prekindergarten Funds
- 6: School Calendar for 2021-22 Adopted
- 4: May 4 Budget Hearing & Upcoming Community Budget Information Sessions
- 26: Modest Budget Additions are Tied Directly to Student and Program Needs
- 26: Voters to Decide on Lengthening Future Board Terms to 4 years on May 18
- 26: Purchase of Eight Buses Proposed as Part of Long-Term Plan for Safety & Efficiency
- 26: Four Candidates Running for Two Seats on School Board on May 18
- 30: School Budget Development Update (March 30, 2021)
- 12: District Leaders Outline Preliminary 2021-22 Budget: Future-Focused in Extraordinary Times
- 9: Voters Approve Both Capital Project Propositions
- 28: VIDEO: Feb. 9 Capital Project Proposal Proposal Includes Major Upgrades to NHS Outdoor Athletic Facilities
- 21: Feb. 9 Capital Project Q&A
- 20: Video: The Feb. 9 Capital Project & Strengthening Middle Level Education
- 14: Slideshow: Capital Project Photos of Current Facilities, Improvement Plans & Examples
- 21: Capital Project Vote to be Held Feb. 9, 2021
- 24: NCSD and Town of Niskayuna launch “The Nisky Attic”
- 19: Capital Project Vote Anticipated for February
- 17: Capital Project Vote to be Held Later in the Winter than Originally Planned
- 22: Please Join Us: Capital Project Community Cafes in August
- 17: Voters approve 2020-21 budget and bus proposition; Jennifer Zhao and Sarah Rogerson elected to the Board of Education
- 8: Deadline for ballots to be received by mail extended to June 16
- 8: World Language Awards Video 2020
- 4: View the Senior Awards Presentation for 2020
- 3: Proposed 2020-21 budget preserves classroom teachers and student services and does not exceed the tax cap
- 2: District Schedules Three Online Community Budget Information Sessions
- 27: Board of Education Election Update
- 22: Proposed 2020-21 budget preserves classroom teachers and student services at the tax cap
- 21: Three candidates running for two open seats on the Board of Education
- 21: Questions & Answers: Proposed 2020-21 school budget
- 21: Absentee ballot vote also includes bus purchases proposition