We salute your service
To date, we have listed the 444 graduates who have served in the military who we are aware of.
(19 Received Diplomas under “Operation Recognition”)
38 Attendees at West Point, Naval Academy, and Air Force Academy
The following list honors the men and women, graduates of Niskayuna High School, who served in one or more branches of the Armed Forces of the United States of America. Their names are scrolled 24/7/365 on a monitor display located at Crossroads of the high school. We are proud to honor these distinguished alumni and thank them for their service to our nation.
If you are aware of a graduate who has served and is not included on this list, you are invited to contact Principal John Rickert by email at jrickert@niskyschools.org or by phone at 518-382-2511, ext. 21702.
- Peter Abbey, 1979, US Air Force
- Eric Alden, 2007, US Navy
- Larry Altrock, Class of 1967, US Army Vietnam Combat Veteran
- Martino An, 2017, West Point – US Army
- Sam Anderson, 2011, US Marines
- Richard Arthur, 1959, US Air Force
- Jeffrey Ashworth, 2019, US Navy
- Jesse Baignosche, 2020, US Marines
- Duane Ball, 1962, US Army Reserves
- Jody Banks, 1981, US Army Sergeant – Desert Storm
- Virginia Bare (Mack), 2001, US Air Force Assistant Judge Advocate and Reservist for the US Air Force
- John Bauer 1962, Air Force Academy, US Air Force
- Robert Bean, 1961, US Air Force
- Edward Beaupre, 2001, US Air Force, Born: April 20, 1920, Died: July 30, 2016, Served in World War II, *Received a Niskayuna Diploma as part of “Operation Recognition”
- Michael Beck, 1972, US Naval Academy, Commander of the USS Constitution, US Navy, Inducted in the Niskayuna High School Hall of Fame (1996)
- John Becker, 1960, US Army
- Robert Becker, 1959, US Marines
- Jon Bedell, 1999, US Army
- Mark Beis, 1972, US Army, Born: September 3, 1953, Died: March 3, 2011, Served as a Sergeant in the United States Army
- Stephen Beis, 1967, US Air Force
- Keith Belak, 2002, US Air Force
- Daniel Belk, 1984, US Army
- Matthew Bellair, 1985, US Navy
- Peter J. Bellair, 1980, US Marines, Born: September 22, 1962, Died: July 14, 2007, Served in the United States Marine Corps in the Beirut, Lebanon Conflict, 1st Battalion – 8th Company, Recipient of the Purple Heart
- John Benedict, 1964, US Marines
- Aveneesh Benki, 2022 West Point University, US Army
- Luke Benoit, 2011, US Army
- Michael Benoit, 2007, US Army
- Genesio J. Benvenuto, 2001, US Army, Born: December 20, 1920 , Died: January 1, 2002, Served in the US Army in World War II, *Received a Niskayuna Diploma as part of “Operation Recognition”
- Christopher Bernard, 2020, US Marines
- Michael Bernardi, 1997, US Air Force
- Daniel Bertrand, 1978, US Air Force
- Martin Bianchi, 2001, US Army, Born: November 11, 1920, Died: January 14, 2014, Served in the US Army Corps of Engineers in World War II, served in combat in Southern France, Belgium, and the Rhineland, *Received a Niskayuna Diploma as part of “Operation Recognition”
- Dallas Birch, 2014, US Army
- Jordyn Birch, 2015, US Navy
- John Bisgrove, 1965, US Air Force
- Chris Bodenstab, 2005, US Army
- John Bolam, 1973, US Air Force
- Terry Bontrager (Mitchell), 1974, US Air Force
- Kirk Boothe, 1974, West Point, US Army, Born: May 31, 1956, Died: February 24, 2018
- Bill Bowman, 1961, US Army Captain
- Barry Bradt, 1962, US Air Force, Born: April 22, 1944, Died: February 28, 1992
- Daniel Bradt, 1965, General, US Army
- Gregory Bradt, 1973, US Air Force
- Kent Bradt, 1964, US Army
- Laura Bradt, 1964, US Army
- Leonard Bradt, 1980, US Air Force, Born: December 12, 1960, Died: December 20, 2001
- Richard Bradt, 1961, US Army, *Served in combat in Vietnam
- W. Bruce Briggs, 1967, US Army
- Dominick Brion, 2013, US Air Force
- Sebastiano Brion, 2016, US Marines
- Todd Bristol, 1982, US Air Force
- Leigh Brophy, 1969, US Army, Born: June 12, 1951, Died: July 12, 2010
- Alexander Brown, 2012, US Army
- Jeff Bryan, 2000, West Point, US Army
- David Buckbee, 1966, US Marines
- Roy Burris, 1981, US Naval Reserve
- David Butcher, 1973, US Army
- James Carcia, 2003, US Marines
- Ken Carcia, 2007, US Army
- Anthony Casso, 2001, US Army, Born: February 20, 1926, Died: April 14, 2013, Served in World War II, Received a Niskayuna Diploma as part of “Operation Recognition”
- AJ Catalfamo, 1994, US Army
- Dominic Catalfamo, 1995, US Army
- Vincent Catalfamo, 2000, US Army
- Michael Celenza, 1964, US Navy
- Gary Chamberlain, 1970, US Navy, Born: October 28, 1952, Died: February 14, 2012
- Robert Chambers, 1964, US Air Force Academy, US Air Force
- Noah Chaskin, 2016, US Naval Academy, US Navy
- Joseph Chesky, 1980, US Navy
- John Christian, 1978, US Army, Colonel in the US Army
- Eric Christy, 2003, US Navy
- Ronnie Cituk, 1996, US Navy
- Ronald Closson, Class of 2001, US Coast Guard
- Chris Coates, 1972, US Air Force
- Ronald Cochran, 1964, US Army, Born: August 16, 1946, Died: May 23, 2017
- Sean Collier, 2020, US Air Force
- Geoffrey Collins, 1990, US Army
- Jason Collins, 2000, US Army
- Tyler Colvin, 2013, US Army
- Gary Connor, 1969, NY Air National Guard, Inducted in the Niskayuna Hall of Fame (1992)
- Nolan Connors, 2009, US Marines
- Justice Constantine, 2013, US Naval Academy, US Navy
- Nick Cook, 2003, US Army National Guard
- John Cooper, 2009, US Army, Died November 5, 2019
- Jeri Corlew, 1973, US Air Force
- Francisco Correa, 2016, US Marines
- Ian Coté, 2019, US Air National Guard
- Robert Cragin, 1962, US Army, Born: June 21, 1944, Died: February 26, 1968, Lieutenant in the United States Army, Killed in action in Gian Dinh, South Vietnam during the Tet Offensive, Awarded the Silver Star, Name is listed in Panel 41 E Row 36 of the Vietnam Memorial, Inducted in the Niskayuna High School Hall of Fame (1990)
- Alexis Craig, 2014, US Navy
- Charlene Craig, 1976, US Navy
- Charles Craig, 1969, US Navy
- Susan Craig, 1980, US Navy
- Scott Crandall, 1971, US Navy
- George Crannel, 1983, US Army
- David Cross, 1998, US Army Special Forces, Born: November 22, 1979, Died: September 19, 2017, Served in Operation Enduring Freedom in Afghanistan
- Wilson Cueman, 1987, US Navy
- Dennis Cusano, 1964, US Army and US Navy
- Matthew Cutting, 2018, ROTC Scholarship to Norwich University
- Michael A. D’Ammasso, 2001, US Army, Born: March 22, 1926, Died: October 21, 2003, Served in the US Army during World War II in the Pacific, *Received a Niskayuna Diploma as part of “Operation Recognition”
- Mike D’Aniello, 2008, US Navy
- Darren D’Annunzio, 1984, US Air Force Academy, US Air Force
- Debra D’Antoni (Reid), 1970, US Air Force
- Gregory Dalpe, 1999, US Air Force, Active Duty 2002 – 2005 OIF/OEF
- Paul Daly, 1993, US Marines
- Amalia Daratsos, 2001, US Coast Guard
- Basil Daratsos, 2005, US Naval Academy, US Navy
- Leslie David, 1974, US Army, Aug. 1980 – Sept. 1987
- Paul Davis, 1967, US Army, Vietnam Combat Veteran
- Antonio DeAngelo, 1966, US Air Force Academy, US Air Force
- Dennis DeGraff, 1959, US Air Force, Born: December 9, 1941, Died: December 9, 2014, Served 8 Years in the Air Force and was an FAA Air Traffic Controller
- Christian DeLuke, 1997, US Army
- J. Seph DeMeo, 2002, Lt. Col. US Air Force
- Karl J. Denesha, 1988, US Navy
- Daniel DeRocco, 2009, US Army National Guard
- Dominic DeScisciolo, 1979, US Navy
- Grant Despres, 1984, US Marines
- Adam Disque, 1997, US Coast Guard
- Brian Disque, 1993, US Army
- Dominick Dondero, 1986, US Army National Guard
Connor Dorfman, 2013, US Air Force
- John Doring, 2010, US Navy
- Rodney Dorwin, 1975, US Army
- Darren Doss, 2006, US Marines
- Edward N. Drozdyk, 2001, US Marines, Born: July 30, 1928, Died: February 21, 2015, Served in the US Marine Corps during the Korean War, *Received a Niskayuna Diploma as part of “Operation Recognition”
- Matthew F. Druzba, 1981, 1st Lt. US Army
- Patrick Dunlavey, 2001, Navy
- Richard Eckert, 1967, US Air Force
- Rebekah Eckman, 2020, US Army Reserves
- Ellen Eckiss (Baxter), 1968, US Army
- DJ Endres, 2016, US Marines
- Dennis Erikson, 1965, US Army, Born: February 4, 1947, Died: June 9, 2009, Veteran of the Vietnam War
- Charles Farnham, 1970, Sgt. US Army
- John Favata, 1998, US Army
- Michael A. Favata, 1989, US Navy
- Brittany Fearnside, 2006, West Point – US Army
- Eli Feenan, 2011, US Army National Guard
- Harry Ferguson, 2001, US Marines, Born: August 7, 1928, Died: May 19, 2010, Served in the Occupation of China in 1946 and 1947, *Received a Niskayuna Diploma as part of “Operation Recognition”
- Jeffrey Ferguson, 1988, US Air Force
- Scott Ferguson, 1986, US Air Force
- Michael Ferracane, 2006, US Navy
- Harold B. Ferris, 2001, US Army, Born: May 22, 1924, Died: June 28, 2013, Darby Ranger in World War II, Received a Niskayuna Diploma as part of “Operation Recognition”
- Carter Fischer, 2024, US Army
- Andrew Fiumano, 2010, US Army
- Andrew Forneris, 1989, US Army Reserves
- Kate Fossa, 1999, US Air Force
- Bernard Fowler, 1963, US Navy
- Jarrod Fowler, 2013, US Army National Guard
- Walter Frederick, 1979, US Navy, Attorney in the US Navy Office of General Counsel
- Matthew Freedus, 1989, US Navy, Attorney in the US Navy Judge Advocate Generals Corps
- Alexander Freeman, 2006, US Navy
- David Freligh, 1967, US Marines, Served in Vietnam
- James Friedland, 1991, Air Force Academy, US Air Force
- Jyl Frohne, 2006, US Navy
- Kevin Fuller, 2005, US Marines
- Alex Gagnon, 2011, US Army National Guard
- Gerard Gajewski, 1966, US Marines, Born: December 7, 1948, Died: February 5, 2011, Corporal in the United States Marines
- Carlos Garcia, 2019, US Army National Guard
- Heather Garrett (D’Annunzio), 1996, Air Force Academy, US Air Force
- Caitlyn Gibson, 2024, Coast Guard Academy
- Thomas Gibson, 1962, US Naval Academy, US Navy, Born: December 10, 1944 Died: February 19, 2019, Lt. Commander and Patrol Squadron commander, served several tours in Vietnam
- David Gidley, 1960, Merchant Marines Academy/US Navy
- Fred Gignac, 1964, US Army
- Leonard Gisotti, 2001, US Navy, Born: March 24, 1927, Died: July 23, 2004, Served in World War II in both the European and Pacific Theaters, Received a Niskayuna Diploma as part of “Operation Recognition”
- Edward Goad, 2001, US Army, Born: December 12, 1924, Died: September 16, 2004, Veteran of both World War II and Korea, POW in Korean War, Received a Purple Heart and Distinguished Service Cross, Received a Niskayuna Diploma as part of “Operation Recognition”
- Neal Goldberger, 1974, US Army, Lieutenant Colonel
- Mike Grady, 2001, US Air Force
- Frederick Graff Jr., 1968, US Air Force/Air National Guard
- Cindy Sealey Grayson, 1974, West Point and US Army
- Trevor Grigas, 2018, US Air Force Academy
- David Guest, 1986, US Air Force
- Matt Guthinger, 2002, US Marines
- Maria Habib, 2007, US Air Force
- Greg Hafensteiner, 1996, US Marines
- Griffin Hafensteiner, 2005, US Army
- Lloyd Hale, 1986, US Air National Guard
- Kent Hall, 1973, Captain and Naval Medical Officer, MD
- Kirt Hall, 1970, US Navy Pilot
- Ashley Halvey, 2004, US Navy
- Cecelia Halvey, 2014, US Air Force
- Sherwood Hamil, 1960, US Air Force, Born: October 4, 1942, Died: October 4, 2015
- Brendan Hamm, 1998, US Marines
- Jon Hammond, 2003, US Marines
- Kevin Hatch, 2010, US Marines
- Omar Hay, 2007, US Air Force
- Benjamin Hayashi, 2006, US Navy
- Warren Hayashi, 2002, US Air Force
- Sabrina Healey, 2000, US Air Force/National Guard
- Christopher Heffernan, 1987, US Navy
- Tom Henery, 2003, US Navy
- Walter Herderich, 1978, US Coast Guard
- Lt. Harold Heusner, 1964, U.S. Army
- Mike Hildebrandt, 1999, US Army
- Lt. Col. David Hills, 1964, U.S. Air Force.
- Karen Hoffert-Benford, 1973, US Army
- Paul Hoffman, 1966, US Marines
- Thomas Holler, 2013, US Navy
- Lisa Holsberger, 2003, US Navy, Lt. Commander in the United States Navy
- Robert Hopkins, 1967, US Air Force, Born: January 16, 1949, Died: February 3, 2016, Spent 20 Years in the Air Force and retired as a Master Sergeant
- Brendan Houlihan, 1977, US Merchant Marines, Born: February 16, 1959, Died: February 5, 2021
- Daniel Houlihan, 1967, US Coast Guard
- James Houlihan, 1986, US Army, Born: November 29, 1967, Died: November 7, 2017
- Vernon F. Hovey, 1964, US Army, 1st Lieutenant – United States Army – 101st Airborne Division, Born: June 16, 1946, Died: June 5, 1970, Shot down over Thua Thien, South Vietnam, Name is listed in Panel 9W, Row 14 of the Vietnam Memorial, Inducted in the Niskayuna High School Hall of Fame (1990)
- Tim Howe, 1969, US Coast Guard
- Col. Charles A. Huggins, 1974, US Air Force
- Scott Hurley, 1962, US Army
- Bryan Isbell, 2008, US Navy
- Clayton Janaitis, 1960, US Army Medical Corps, Born: March 31, 1942, Died: October 26, 1999, Captain for 3 years in the Army Medical Corps
- Christopher D. Johnson, 1990, US Army
- Richard Johnson, 1964, US Army
- Scott Johnson, 1976, US Marines
- Muhammed Jones, 2015, US Army
- Deborah Just (Laudato), 1979, US Air Force Academy, US Air Force
- William Kardash, 1962, US Army, Born: March 5, 1942, Died: April 13, 2013, Bronze Star for service in Vietnam with – 82nd Airborne.
- Tim Kavanaugh, 1973, US Army, Lieutenant Colonel
- Terrence Kelly, 1976, West Point, US Army
- Robert Kennedy, 1966, US Army, US Army Captain
- Nicholas Khan, 2020, United States Marine Corps
- Robert King, 1987, West Point, US Army
- Timothy Kinnally, 1978, US Navy
- Eric Kirchner, 1974, US Air Force Academy, US Air Force
- Jerry Kleber, 1991, US Marine Corps
- Jeffrey Klemm, 1968, US Army
- John Kniskern, 1960, US Navy
- Ali Koca, 2024, US Marines
- John Koch, 2006, US Navy
- Phillip Komp, 1968, US Navy, Born: April 14, 1950, Died: October 14, 2015, Awarded the National Defense Service Medal, Vietnam Service Medal with 3 Stars, Republic of Viet Nam Campaign Medal
- Mark Kornacewicz, 2005, US Marine Corps
- Dennis Krug, 1963, US Navy
- Walter B. Krul, 2001, US Army, Born: March 3, 1922, Died: May 1, 2010, 83rd Infantry Regiment in France and Germany, Awarded the Bronze Star and Purple Heart, *Received a Niskayuna Diploma as part of “Operation Recognition”
- Lawrence Kwolek, 1977, US Army
- Meghan Lambert, 2020, US Air National Guard
- Michael Landry, 2014, US Marines, Graduate of Virginia Military Institute
- Dean Lansley, 1999, US Army
- Roger LaPointe, 1977, US Air Force, Born: September 1, 1959, Died: April 12, 2018
- Timothy Large, 1984, US Navy
- David Laski, 1999, US Army
- Fred Latulipe, 1986, US Navy
- H. Clark Laudato, 1962, US Air Force
- David Lawya, 1964, US Navy
- Brendan Leach, 2008, US Air Force National Guard
- Ryan Leach, 2010, US Air Force National Guard
- James Lessard, 1994, US Navy
- Nick Lethco, 2016, US Marines
- Charles Levesque, 2018, US Navy, “Operation Recognition” Graduate from World War II
- Keith Linthicum, 1975, US Army, Intelligence Analyst for the US Army
- Kevin Linthicum, 1980, US Navy
- Richard D. Lips (Changed name to Rick Bellis), 1988, US Marines
- Robert Lique, 1963, US Army, Born: December 4, 1944, Died: June 11, 2013, Vietnam Veteran
- Roy Lobdell, 1964, US Air Force
- Joseph Lomio, 1968, US Army
- Andrew Long, 2004, US Army National Guard
- Douglas Long, 1964, US Navy, Lieutenant/Medical Corps
- Andrew Lutchmidat, 2012, US Air Force
- Arthur Lyman, 1971, US Army
- Katharine Malcolm, 2012, US Marines
- Ben Male, 1999, US Navy
- Nathaniel W. Malerk, 2012, US Navy
- Larry Mannolini, 1967, US Coast Guard
- Stephen Markey, 1977, US Navy
- Dylan Marshall, 2024, US Air National Guard
- Joe Marshall, 2011, US Navy
- Don Martin, 1966, US Army, ROTC Scholarship to St. Lawrence University
- Daniel R. Masterpole, 2001, US Army, Born: October 3, 1917, Died: November 13, 2010, 182nd Infantry Regiment in the Pacific Theater in World War II, Received a Niskayuna Diploma as part of “Operation Recognition”
- Daniel E. McCleary, 1971, US Army
- Darryl McCoy, 1980, US Army
Burr Mcculloch, 1960, US Army
- Daniel T. McCullough, 1968, US Navy Seebee
Michael Mcculloch, 1971, US Navy Seabee
- Finn McCullough, 2020, West Point
- Michael McGarry, 1987, US Army
- Thomas McGarry, 1972, US Army
- Stephen McNamara, 1988, US Marines
- Wallace Metcalf, 1972, US Navy
- Victor Micieli, 2001, US Army, Born: June 13, 1918, Died: July 2, 2001, Veteran of World War II, Combat in Italy and France, Received a Niskayuna Diploma as part of “Operation Recognition”
- Isadore Miller, 2001, US Army, Born: August 19, 1922, Died: February 23, 2007, Veteran of World War II, Received a Niskayuna Diploma as part of “Operation Recognition”
- Luke Miller, 2013, US Army
- Steven Miller, 1973, US Army
- Joel Mirabito-Badgley, 2020, US Navy
- Steve Moffit, 2003, US Naval Academy, US Navy
- Esmeralda Monteparo, 2012, US Army National Guard
- Isidora Monteparo, 2013, US Army National Guard
- Diane Moore, 1975, US Army National Guard
- Matthew Moskov, 1991, US Army National Guard
- Thomas Moskov, 1985, US Navy
- Yoni Moskow, 1996, US Marines
- John Moule, 2015, US Air Force
- Brian Mullaney, 1968, US Air Force
- Iain Munro, 1996, US Marines
- Jeremy Murray, 1994, US Air Force
- James Nelson, 1966, US Army, Veteran of Vietnam Conflict
- Brion Neuhaus, 1974, US Air Force
- Amy Neuhaus-Davis, 1969, US Air Force, Air National Guard
- Kathleen Neuhaus-Van Iderstyne, 1969, US Air Force
- Vince Nichols, 2007, US Marines
- Joseph Nuqui, 2013, US Army
- Marianna O’Brien, 2013, US Air Force, National Guard
- Edward P. O’Donnell, 2001, US Navy, Born: November 11, 1924, Died: May 21, 2016, Veteran of World War II, Received a Niskayuna Diploma as part of “Operation Recognition”
- William O’Malley, 1986, US Navy
- Jarrett Oden-Smith, 2016, US Army
- Timothy P. Oliver, 1970, US Navy
- Darlene Ormsby (Ostrander), 1983, US Air Force
- Ryan Orsini, 2015, U.S. Navy
- Daniel Ostrom, 1976, US Air Force
- Nicholas Palmer, 2002, US Army
- Nick Pardi, 2001, US Army National Guard
- Christine Parrish (Barkevich), 1984, US Air Force
- Lucas Parzych, 2018, US Navy
- Benjamin J. Peat, 1994, U.S. Army Airborne Ranger
- Robert Peat, 1961, U.S. Navy
- William Peat, 1964, US Navy
- Greg Pedinotti, 2004, US Air Force
- Joseph Peters, 2011, US Army National Guard
- Wyatt Peters, 2013, US Army National Guard
- Raymond Philion, 2002, US Navy, Born: February 8, 1934, Died: June 14, 2021, Received a Niskayuna Diploma as part of “Operation Recognition
- Bruce Phillips, 1964, US Army
- Cameron Pierce, 2013, U.S. Navy
- Taylor Pierce, 2007, US Naval Academy, US Navy
- Alexander Pilkey, 2019, US Air Force Academy
- Eric Pinnell, 1989, US Army
- John Prater, 1969, US Army
- Jonathan Prian, 2004, US Army
- Graham Provost, 1993, US Navy
- Michael Puccioni, 2022, US Military Academy at West Point
- Joe Pump, 1967, US Coast Guard
- Jordan Quiernan, 2013, US Army
- Charles Ramph, 2013, US Marines
- Gary Rankin, 1967, US Navy
- Jessie Ray-Qualey, 2006, US Marines
- Doug Read, 1972, US Air Force
- Larry Reagan, 1965, U.S. Army
- John G. Reed, 1968, U.S. Army
- Dr. Louise Reid-Ritchie, 1969, US Navy, Inducted into the Niskayuna High School Hall of Fame (1989)
- Col. John G. Reilly, 1982, US Army, Retired Colonel who received the Defense Superior Service Medal and a Bronze Medal, Inducted into the Niskayuna High School Hall of Fame (2019)
- Will Rhodes, 2000, US Army, Wounded in Iraq
- John Rigley, 1976, US Coast Guard Academy, Died: Dec. 28, 2024
- Justin Ritter, 2006, US Marines
- Richard Roland, 1970, US Navy, Aviator, Recipient of Navy and Marine Corps Medal for heroism 1977
- Luke Rollins, 2005, US Army
- Terry Ross, 1966, US Air Force
- Alex Rubilar, 2007, West Point – US Army
- Erika Rubilar, 2009, U.S. Army
- Ronald Rudmann, 1960, US Air Force
- Matthew Sacks, 2010, US Navy
- Natalia Sadow-Conlon, 1983, US Air Force
- Humbert Salluzzo, 2001, US Army, Born: March 26, 1917, Died: May 4, 2011, Staff Sergeant – Army Signal Corps 1942 – 1945, World War II campaigns in North Africa, Sicily, France, and Germany, Received a Niskayuna Diploma as part of “Operation Recognition”
- Ashley Santibanez, 2023, Air Force
- Joshua Sanzo, 2013, US Army – Active Guard
- Nate Sapp, 2004, US Marines
- Zsanette Sargalis, 2009, US Marines
- Alexandra Scardino, 2002, US Navy
- Dennsion Scardino, 2005, US Air Force
- Jack Schiavo, 2021, US Air Force Academy
- Cailyn Schneider, 2023, US Naval Academy
- Keith Schnell, 2003, US Marines
- Don Schultz, 1965, US Marines, Vietnam Combat Veteran
- Stephanie Lynn Schultz, 1978, US Army, Department of Defense (NSA)
- Steve Schwaber, 1969, US Navy
- Paul Schwartz, 1959, US Army National Guard
- Dylan Sendra, 2011, US Marines
- Fred Shakeshaft, 1975, US Army
- John Shakeshaft Jr., 2011, US Air Force
- John Shakeshaft Sr., 1981, US Air Force
- Richard Shakeshaft, 1964, US Marines
- Michael Shanahan, 2009, US Marines, Captain
- Landon Sharp, 1967, US Air Force
- Steven Sheehan, 1968, US Navy
- Jacquelyn Sheeran (Howard), 1991, US Army
- Adam Shekerjian, 2010, US Navy
- Paul (Pete) Sherman, 1964, US Army
- Daniel A. Shoor, 1983, US Air Force, Chief Medical Officer in the US Air Force since 2014, Inducted into the Niskayuna High School Hall of Fame (2016)
- William Singer, 1964, US Air Force & Lt. Col. US Army
- Harvey Simmons, 1966, US Army, Retired Lieutenant Colonel
- Bernie Sinkora, 1963, US Navy
- Julia Sinkus, 2016, US Naval Academy
- Richard Sitterly, 2000, US Air Force
- James Sluiter, 1965, US Marines
- Matt Smith, 2006, US Air Force National Guard
- Robert Smith, 1997, US Navy
- Mark Sollohub, 1966, US Army
- Mark Sollohub, 1998, US Navy
- James Spring, 1960, NYS Military and Naval Administrator (Retired)
- Traci St. Denis, 1988, US Army
- Thomas Stacy, 1979, US Navy
- Eric Stallmer, 1989, US Army
- Richard W. Starkey, 1965, US Marines, Born: August 31, 1947, Died: September 17, 1969, Private 1st Class, United States Marine Corps, Died in ground combat in Quang Tri, South Vietnam, Name is listed in Panel 18W, Row 106 of the Vietnam Memorial, Inducted into the Niskayuna High School Hall of Fame (1990)
- Scott Steeves, 1979, US Naval Academy, US Navy
- Sean Steeves, 1978, US Naval Academy, US Navy
- Michael Strykiewicz, 1964, US Navy, Born: February 25, 1946, Died: April 7, 2002
- Julian Suarez, 2002, US Coast Guard, International Specialist for the US Coast Guard
- Paul Tan, 2018, West Point
- Xiao Tan, 2011, West Point – US Army
- Tantra Tantraporn, 1972, U.S. Navy Nuclear Submarine Operator
- Luis Tapia, 1997, US Marines
- Eric Tebbano, 1999, US Air Force
- Dan Terwilliger, 1978, US Air Force
- Patrick Thompson, 1973, US Navy
- Richard Thorne, 2013, US Air Force
- David Titley, 1976, US Navy, Rear Admiral and Chief Meteorologist for the Navy
- Brian Tobey, 1964, US Navy
- Jeremy Tomisman, 2012, US Army National Guard
- Peter C. Tremblay, 1988, US Army
- Timothy Trimberger, 1987, US Army – Special Forces
- David Trzaskos, 1978, US Air Force
- Richard Turner, 1983, West Point US Army
- Thomas Vail, 1989, US Air Force ROTC
- Robert Van Degna, 1962, US Army
- Thomas Van Vranken, 1967, US Navy
- Warren W. Vaughn, 2001, US Air Force and US Army, Born: March 29, 1920, Died: September 25, 2011 Veteran of World War II, Received a Niskayuna Diploma as part of “Operation Recognition”
- Shawn Vena, 2019, US Navy
- W. Dana Vennneman, 1984, US Army
- Thomas Vickerson, 1980, US Navy
- Timothy Vickerson, 1981, US Navy
- Zachary Vickerson, 2012, US Navy.
- George Wade, 2009, US Army
- Miranda Wade, 1994, US Navy
- Frances Wall, 1979, US Marines
- William Waters, 1985, US Marines
- Jack Wetherwax, 1961 US Navy Born: April 10, 1943. Died: June 1, 2017 Served on Ballistic Missile Submarine USS Von Steuben ’66-’70
- Allen Webb, 1978, U.S. Coast Guard
- Scott Webb, 1985, US Army
- Dale Wegener-Hill, 1969, US Army
- Ben Weinberg, 2003, US Navy
- Wesley E. Welenc, 1971 U.S. Army
- Sean Whitney, 2004, US Army
- Dennis Wielt, 1967, US Army
- Matt Wierzbowski, 1991, US Army
- John W. Wierzchowski, 2001, US Army, Born: May 18, 1913, Died: February 17, 2000, Enlisted as a Private in the US Army in 1941, Veteran of World War II, Received a Niskayuna Diploma as part of “Operation Recognition”, Diploma was awarded posthumously
- Craig Wiesen, 1990, US Naval Academy, US Navy
- Don Wilcock, 1962, US Army, Veteran of the Vietnam War
- William Wilday, 1967, US Marines, Vietnam Veteran
- James Willsey, 2001, US Army National Guard, 1 Tour of Duty in Iraq
- Matthew Wilson, 2017, US Navy
- Ephraim Maddox Wing, 2024, US Army
- Grand Wong, 1984, Colonel, US Air Force
- Raymond M. Wright, 2001, US Marines, Born: June 16, 1924, Died: June 27, 2003, First Lieutenant in the Marines from 1939 – 1945, Received a Niskayuna Diploma as part of “Operation Recognition”
- Eric Yager, 1964, US Marines
- Andrew Young, 2010, US Marines
- Claire Young, 2012, US Army National Guard
- Robert Young, 1964, US Army Reserves
- Imran Yousuf, 2010, US Marines
- Timothy Zakriski, 2006, US Navy
- Hal David Zendle, 1974, US Naval Reserve; Officer Indoctrination School O.I.S.
- Neal Zendle, 1978, US Naval Academy, US Navy
- Andrew Zuffoletti, 1993, US Army