Instructional Program Advisory Council
Meeting Minutes: May 2, 2018
Present: S. Baldwin-Nye, K. Behrmar, D. Bouton, J. Cioff, C. DeCesare, C. DeLano, J. Gallo, L. Gemmil, R. Frank, M. Leon, R. Perez-Jaquith, C. Shortt, C. Tangorra
Budget for the NCSD
Budget Vote in 13 days
>Cosimo discussed the budget highlights: ~$84 M
2. General Announcements/Updates
Life Track Surveys:
Jess and Ron have been working with LifeTrack – can work through BOCES.
> Considered doing it independently but it is more efficient to do it via LifeTrack through BOCES
> 2 surveys: exit, 18 mo or 3 surveys: exit, 18 mo, 5 years → would plan on 3 year survey.
> Need to follow up through BOCES, can’t do it this year. It would be for next year 2018-19 graduates
> Partner with the ECAC
June 5th Meeting Approach
Meeting: 6-6:30 Students First Slot
>10 min per sub-committee (Co-Chairs will present); 45 total slot
> Template will be provided for a cohesive, 2-3 slides per subcommittee, template on google drive
> Appendix with Additional Details (All Reference Material)
Intro, team picture, membership, summary of enrollment study/school configuration
Each Sub-Committee
>Analysis/Data and Information
>Status and Recommendations
3. Homework Sub-Committee
3 Focus Parent Groups: Varied Response (some would like more, some would like less)
> 3 Focus Teacher Groups: Discussed the Philosophy of HWK, what is the purpose, what is the best use: teachers had very different philosophies.
>What is the national standard for HWK/In K-5 there is no significant benefit for homework (academic lens), but there is a purpose for HWK in terms of organization/scaffolding to prepare for MS homework expectations (~60 min) – preparing students to meet later expectations
>K-5 HW Survey: 624 respondents: ~30% return
> Will see the data later — the group is meeting on Monday.
> Survey Questions are found in the HWK Folder
4. Pathways:
>Measure (RRI, Redesigning Readiness Indicators)
> Verify RRI
> Refine our Research (Gap Analysis Review)
Progress Since Last Meeting:
> Conference call with Dr. Schuler RRI
> Shared Life Readiness Indicators and might use some of the Nisky Pathway Indicators of Life Readiness
>Added a relevancy scale to gap analysis
> Discussed the RRI for College Readiness,
> Chris took 15 students for each class to run the RRI indicators (~3.5% of the class)
> In order to deliver recommendations at the board meeting, a recommendation to deliver to stakeholders before-hand was proposed to avoid surprising anyone. Since time is at a premium during the month of May, Lauren Gemmill took the action of putting progress and potential recommendations on the agenda for the May district leadership monthly meeting. Cosimo can then offer an update on IPAC/ECAC for discussion before the June 5th Board meeting. Thanks Lauren!
5. Start Times Committee Report Out
Conference Call with Paul Jenkins (Glens Falls Superintendent) was helpful
-importance of educating BOTH community and Staff/Faculty with the roll out.
-Significant benefits to both academics/behavior, they did not track mental health
-No other schools followed suit (surrounding districts), no before school activities except for the middle school jazz band
– Working with their athletics to formulate further travel for early in the season (daylight savings)
– VOTEC AM is unchanged, but students get extra instruction.
>NHS data presented: Appears to be an academic benefit, ~24 tardy/day in Mod 1.
>Spoke to both the AD and Music Directors
>Transportation: NHS are dropped off ~30 min before school starts, making their start time even earlier.
>Prepared a survey, but district leadership would like to educate the community before sending it.
>Traffic at the HS does not appear to impact traffic accidents: NPD reported only 1 accident, in and around the HS.
6. Conclusion
> Committees should make recommendations based on their research/analysis and/or at least offer a directional status
> IPAC will continue as with this 4 sub-committees
> More discussion on these topics as well as an Implementation plan will be necessary
> Meetings following June 5th have not been scheduled – Stay Tuned!