RFB: Bus Body Repairs

The purpose of this Request for Bids (RFB) is for the Niskayuna Central School District to establish a contract with a vendor for the continuous availability of a service shop to perform bus body repairs on the district’s bus and vehicle fleet.

The intent of this RFB is to be awarded to a single service shop to perform the service throughout the contract term at competitive labor and material rates and who best demonstrates the ability to meet the District’s needs for quality and value. Although your Base Bid is requested on a labor hour and material basis, the School District reserves the right to competitively bid any bus body
repair work if we deem it to be in our best interest. Proposers shall make all investigations necessary to thoroughly inform themselves about the District.

RFB – #NCSD 25-002

The district is only accepting physical bids so they need to be hand delivered or mailed to the District Office in accordance with the format within the bid packet.

However, bidders can obtain the necessary documents on BidNet Direct.

Bids are due by October 30, 2024, at 2 p.m.