School budget vote update
In an executive order issued yesterday, Sunday, June 7, Governor Andrew Cuomo extended the deadline for school districts to receive ballots sent by mail for this year’s school budget vote to Tuesday, June 16.
As a result, ballots being returned by U.S. Mail must be received by the district by 5 p.m. on Tuesday, June 16.
The deadline for ballots being hand delivered to drop boxes the district has placed at the District Office and Niskayuna High School has not changed. Ballots being hand-delivered in this manner must still be received by 5 p.m. on Tuesday, June 9. The drop boxes will be removed at that time, in accordance with the Governor’s executive order.
The precise locations of these drop boxes are: by the parking lot adjacent to District Office near the corner of Van Antwerp Road and Dexter Street and at the main entrance to Niskayuna High School (facing Balltown Road).
Additionally, based on the executive order, ballots received will remain unopened until the U.S. Mail deadline of 5 p.m. on Tuesday, June 16. At that time, the opening of absentee ballots and scanning them into voting machines will begin. This process will be livestreamed for the public on June 16, and we will be announcing results on the livestream and on the website after ballots are counted.