Student schedules now available

As of 3 p.m. Friday, August 18, PowerSchool has been updated with student schedules and teacher assignments for the 2023-24 school year.

To view student schedules, go to the PowerSchool Parent/Student Portal at and log in. Note: The PowerSchool app will not show this information, you will need to log in using an internet browser. 

After logging in, the Grades and Attendance screen will open, showing a list of your student’s classes and teachers.

For help with logging into the portal, please email the IT Department at

For help with other questions about PowerSchool, click here to visit the Niskayuna Parent Technology Support website.

Important message about transportation: We will add updated bus route information to the PowerSchool Parent/Student Portal  as soon as it becomes available next week. You will receive a notification once that information is posted to PowerSchool. Please be ready to check your family’s bus route information once it has been updated.